Open Enrollment Rates and Dates
2024-2025 Plan Year
Eligible students are mandated coverage only once per academic year. Approximately 14,000 students are eligible in the Fall semester for the annual Plan and approximately 1,000 students become eligible for the first time in the Spring semester. The premium rates, coverage dates, and Open Enrollment dates are below. If you are an undergraduate student, receiving financial aid, and are accepting the Premier Plan contact the financial aid office to determine if you qualify for an increase in funding. An administrative fee up to $33 per insured is included in the rates below. Prorated refunds are not granted.
Fall 2024-2025 Plan Year:
Term of Coverage: 8/15/2024 – 8/14/2025
Applicable Open Enrollment Period: Late June – September 15, 2024
- $3,885 per student
- $7,770 per student and spouse
- $7,770 per student and child(ren)
- $11,655 per student, spouse, and child(ren)