MLOA & Credit Hour Reduction

2024-2025 Plan Year

Medical Leave of Absence

Students who were continuously enrolled in the prior year’s Premier Plan for at least six months; whose coverage expired August 14; and, who have been granted a medical leave of absence may enroll in the annual Premier Plan during the Fall Open Enrollment Period, not to exceed 12 months. E-mail Student Health Insurance, for enrollment instructions under this provision.  Include your GUID# that begins with an “8” in the subject line so you can be properly identified.

Reduction in Credit Hours Due to Medical Reason

Students who were enrolled in the prior year’s Premier Plan for at least six months; whose coverage expired August 14; who are enrolled in a degree program; and, who have reduced their credit hours to part-time, e.g., less than nine for undergraduates, due to sickness or injury may enroll in the annual Premier Plan during the Fall Open Enrollment Period. E-mail Student Health Insurance, for enrollment instructions under this provision.  Include your GUID# that begins with an “8” in the subject line so you can be properly identified.